Wednesday 20 February 2013

Gay Parents / Lesbians IVF - My Opinion.

Dear Diary,

I was flicking through 'The Times' today and what caught my eye was an article about how "deprived" children born to lesbian couples are, due to the fact that they are "fatherless". The article went on to say about children who are brought up without a father go on to a life of crime and poverty etc etc etc.

All of this was sparked by the recent change in the NHS, whereby a lesbian couple, or a woman regardless of sexuality, can seek IVF on the NHS up to the age of 42 now, instead of 39 as it was previously.

My response to this article is surely family is an individual subject, and one should question the quality of the parenting, and the values instilled in the children rather than the biological make-up of the parent. Why should lesbian parents be seen as second-best to the hetero-normative just because there is a lack of an XY chromosome? I find it ridiculous that 'The Times' would publish such an article, condemning lesbian couples because it "dilutes the importance of fatherhood", rather than celebrating the fact that these people who love each other are able to have a children. The article also showed it's ineptitude, as it gave the implication of children being automatically being upright citizens if a father is present in the family dynamic; did the person writing this article live under a rock for the majority of their life? Just because someone has a father does NOT make them a better person, I know people who are brought up in a stereotypical 1950's nuclear family who end up becomming criminals, and in the same respect i know people who have grown up in care who have become well-paid doctors, lawyers etc. Admittedly these are extreme examples but my point is clear.

So, what this comes down to, and what people should really focus on, is rather than condemning an alternative couple taking on the responsibility of parenthood, such a couple should be praised aslong as they are able to suitably raise the child. Sexuality doesn't play a role in how well a child is brought up, it is how the parents raise the child in terms of morals, values and discipline that creates good parents.



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